Sunday, 19 August 2012

clotted cream and home-grown summer berry ice cream

Ok, ok, this isn't technically baking, but it is a more than suitable accompaniment to any baked goods.  The clotted cream makes this the smoothest of ice creams, whilst the buttermilk provides a slight sourness to balance the sweetness of the ripened summer berries.  

It can be made in an ice cream maker, but I'm not that way inclined, and prefer to make it by hand.

3 medium free range eggs
125g / 4oz caster sugar
455g / 1lb clotted cream
250ml buttermilk
225g / 4oz Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries or any of your favourite summer fruits!

Crack the eggs into a large ceramic or glass bowl and whisk until light and frothy.
Add the sugar and whisk heavily for a further five minutes - you will notice that the mixture will begin to thicken and alter in colour.
Add the clotted cream, a little at a time if you find it easier, and whisk until smooth and to get rid of any lumps of cream and to make sure that it is all lovely and delicious.
Add the buttermilk and whisk once again until completely combined.
Pour the mixture into a 2ltr tub, perhaps one that already has ice cream in it, and put it in the freezer.
Now, patience is your best friend.
For 8 hours, every hour, take yourself to the freezer and whisk the mixture for a few minutes, until smooth and creamy then return it to the freezer.  Prior to the last of these whisks, mash up some summer berry's - raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, strawberries and, on the final whisk, spoon the berries into the ice cream and mix through, as much as you like.  Once you have completed this 8hr ritual, leave the mixture for another 8hrs, but do not interfere with it.
Serve with cake.

Katie xx

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